May 28, 2012

Playing House

My dad text me on Friday and told me he was going out of town. He wanted to know if me, Jake, and the baby would stay at his house while he was away. I agreed so that someone was there to take care of his dog, puppy and fish. My brother stayed to keep me company while Jake was at work. However, my brother was usually across the street or upstairs. I really enjoyed having the whole house to ourselves instead of just the attic. When the baby fell asleep I could actually sit in another room and relax. He makes a lot of sounds in his sleep so I just stare at him when we're home. I would go check on him every few minutes, though. I didn't get to cook, which shockingly I wanted to, because everything in that house was way post the expiration date :( House sitting made me want a job ten times more because Jake always says that when I get a job we will move out. I just can't seem to get one in this darn economy. Vincent is discovering both his hands and feet right now and it's so cute when he just stares at them. What's Your Parenting Style?

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