May 16, 2012

Feeling like a single mom

I just have to say single moms deserve a lot more credit than they get. I live with my boyfriend and we're always together. Yet, I am still taking care of the baby alone. I understand he goes to work super early in the morning, so that's why he don't help at night. However, he is usually home around noon. Thats 8-10 hours that he could help me and let me get a break but he rather play video games. He gets one day off a week, hasn't been home on that day since Vincent was born. He's always volunteering to help remodel his brothers house. The other day we were at the store and some how him not helping came up in conversation. He said he's always at work so it's not his fault. I simply replied 'You are home an entire day once a week' he turned to me and said 'what use my one day to myself?' Obviously I wanted to punch him in the face but since e were in the check out I just yelled 'where the hell is my day to myself?' He didn't reply until we got out to the car with 'if you want a day to yourself take him to your grandmas, they volunteered to watch him when ever'
I feel like he doesn't understand. He got me a mothers day card that made it sound like he understands but then the very next day did that! Everytime I tell him I need him to help more he laughs like I'm joking. Then tells me to just ask if I need help. When I ask for help he doesn't do it!

Btw he asked what I'm doing I told him I'm updating my blog. He asked how much bad stuff about him I put on here. I told him a lot and he laughed. So he knows how much he upsets me.

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