October 30, 2012

I'm Back

   Sorry I haven't been blogging. I lost my password and finally figured it out. The last time I blogged I said I was going to start working out. I did workout for a little bit but then it became hard to fit in. We were gone a lot of the time and Vincent was and still is teething so he wants constant attention and screams a lot. I still try to fit in a little workout every now and then. Once spring comes, I should be able to manage a better workout. I will be sure to set a time in the morning to do my workout and a time in the evening to go out for a walk. Until then, I will workout as often as I can.

   Vinny is turning eight months old in two days. He can sit up when someone put him in the sitting position. He is trying to sit up on his own now but can't quite do it yet. He still wont sleep in his crib, sometimes sleeps with me in my bed but usually sleeps in swing still. He now weighs over 20lbs and is roughly 30in tall. He loves to repeatedly say mom. His hair is now more blonde instead of strawberry blonde. His eyes are such a bright blue that nobody ever looks at him without saying something about his eyes.

   I took him Trick or Treating last Thursday. He went as a little devil. We bought two lion costumes but neither of the hoods would fit on him. My best friend, Tiffany, let me use the costume her son had used when he was younger. Tiffany, our friend Jasmyn, and I had met up and took our boys around the town. Vincent wasn't sure what to think of any of it. Whenever someone would come up to the stroller he would just stare at them like he was terrified. The last house we went to was Tiffany's future mother-in-law. As we walked up to that house Vinny was happy and cooing.

I am on a new computer so I don't have any pictures to post today but I will post some the next time around.

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